How to install a VechainThor node locally using Docker


In this guide you will learn how to set up your own Vechain Thor node that can connect to main or test net. For this, we will be using Docker and assume you are running a Windows OS.

Step 1: Install Docker

Wikipedia defines Docker as

An open-source project that automates the deployment of software applications inside containers by providing an additional layer of abstraction and automation of OS-level virtualization on Linux.

In simpler words, Docker is a tool that allows developers to easily deploy their applications on any computer, without having to worry about the Operating System or system settings of that computer.

What it means for us, is that with Docker we can get a Vechain Thor Node and all of its dependencies up and running by simpling deploying a Docker image. So let’s go and get started by setting up Docker!

[fruitful_alert color=”alert-info”]Terminology

  • Images – The blueprint of an application which forms the basis of containers. Use the docker pull command to download an image.
  • Containers – Created from Docker images and run the actual application. We create a container using docker run .[/fruitful_alert]

Create an account on and once logged in go to the docker store to download the Docker Community Edition for Windows install file. Once downloaded launch the installer.

Installing Docker
[fruitful_alert color=”alert-danger”]Make sure Virtualization is enabled in your BIOS. Typically, virtualization is enabled by default. You can check this by opening your task manager and under Performance select your CPU and check if Virtualization is Enabled[/fruitful_alert] [fruitful_alert color=”alert-warning”]After installation restart your computer, don’t worry, your computer might reboot a couple of times during the installation.[/fruitful_alert]

Once restarted start a Windows Command Prompt by hitting your Windows + R key and typing cmd.

docker run hello-world

You should see the following message if you installed docker successfully:

Step 2: Pull and Run the Thor docker image

First we download the latest Vechain Thor docker image. This Dockerfile is designed to build the last release of the Thor source code and will publish docker images to dockerhub with every new release.

docker pull vechain/thor

Once you have pulled the docker image we can run our vechain node by running:

docker run vechain/thor [global options] command [command options]

The following commands and options are supported:


solo client runs in solo mode for test & dev
master-key import and export master key
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command

Global options

--network valuemain|testthe network to join
--data-dir valuedirectory for block-chain databases. Default is /root/.org.vechain.thor
--beneficiary valueaddress for block rewards
--api-addr valueAPI service listening address. Default is localhost:8669
--api-cors valuecomma-separated list of domains from which to accept access
--api-timeout valueAPI request timeout value in milliseconds. Default is 10.000
--api-call-gas-limit valuelimit contract call gas. Default is 50.000.000
--api-backtrace-limit valuelimit the distance between 'position' and best block for subscriptions APIs. Default is 1.000
--verbosity value0-9log verbosity. Default is 3
--max-peers valuemaximum number of P2P network peers. Default is 25.
--p2p-port valueP2P network listening port. Default is 11235
--nat valueany|none|upnp|pmp|extipport mapping mechanism. Default is any
--help, -hshow help
--version, -vprint the version

Step 3: Run Thor and connect to the API

Use the following command to start a container called mynode, that connects to the main network and allows you to browse the API by going to in your browser.

docker run --name mynode -d -p -p 11235:11235 -p 11235:11235/udp vechain/thor --network main --api-addr

We will dissect this command now:

docker run --name mynodecreate a new Docker container called mynode
-dto stop the container from displaying data in the command prompt
-p -p 11235:11235 -p 11235:11235/udpto open up the necessary ports.
vechain/thorthe Docker image to base your container on
--network mainconnect to the main network
--api-addr access to the API

If you want your node to stop running you can run the docker kill mynode command.

You can now visit the API to interact with the blockchain by opening a browser and pointing it to

Thorify RESTful API


  1. Hi Ben, I managed to install a docker node. After half a day or so my node was completely synced with mainnet. However, upon a reboot of my PC I struggle to get my node working again. Tried most of the –help options but struggling. Any tips?


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