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Vechain Information

Everything you need to know about VeThor (VTHO)

The VechainThor blockchain consists of a two-token system. The Vechain Token (VET), which will act as a store and transfer of value and VechainThor...

Bulletproofs – Confidential Transactions

Confidential transactions are transactions that hide the amount that is transferred in the transaction while making sure that the transaction remains valid. Why would...

An overview of the Vechain Improvement Proposals (VIP)

Since it's launch, the VechainThor blockchain has gone through various upgrades offering new features or improvements. To streamline the development and implementation of new features,...

Proof of Authority – Vechain’s blockchain consensus model

In this post, you will learn how blocks on the Vechain Blockchain are validated to keep the Blockchain safe and secure while keeping the...

How Vechain’s advanced transaction model solves the transaction problems Bitcoin and Ethereum are facing

Current popular blockchains projects like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Neo all aim to achieve mass adoption, but are struggling with the transactions that come with...

Everything you need to know about Vechain Nodes and Node rewards

On this page, we will give you a complete overview of everything you need to know about the Vechain coins VET and VTHO and...

Meet team Vechain

Vechain has a strong team spread out between offices around the world. The CEO is Sunny Lu, who has a wealth of experience in...

Vechain – An introduction to the world’s leading Enterprise-focused dApp platform

Vechain is the world's leading Enterprise-focused dApp platform run by the Vechain Foundation.  The mission of the Vechain Foundation is: "Building a trust-free and distributed business...
