VechainWorld – The official goto hub for dApp users and developers


Right around the Vechain Summit in April the Vechain Foundation launched

VechainWorld will be the location where users can find dApps build on VechainThor and developers can go to for guides and documentation on creating dApps.

In this article, I will highlight what you can find on VechainWorld.

Vechain Application Hub

When visiting the website, the first thing you will see is the Application Hub. It lists all publicly useable applications that are currently running on the VechainThor blockchain.

From wallets and other financial products to games. There are many dApps live to check out.

The Developer Information Center

Developer Information Center

The Developer documentation can be found in the developer information center. This document has all the information a Developer needs to learn more about the unique features of the VechainThor blockchain.

It also has various tutorials on how to set up your own development environment, run a Thor Node or how to create your first smart contracts.

When creating dApps for the VechainThor blockchain, you will want to learn more about Connex, the standard interface to interact with the blockchain. The Developer information center has everything you need to get started using Connex.

The Vechain Developer forums

Vechain Developer forum

VechainWorld also contains a forum aimed at developers. Developers can share their experiences building dApps on VechainThor here, as well as get support from fellow developers.

Developers from the Vechain team will also be active on the forum to help out anyone who needs help.

If you are a developer, make sure to sign up on the forums and get involved sharing your experiences or helping out other users!


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